
We have given the bot permission to send us direct messages.

The optional fields specify how did we authorize the bot to send us messages.

messageActionBotAllowed#c516d679 flags:# attach_menu:flags.1?true domain:flags.0?string app:flags.2?BotApp = MessageAction;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
attach_menu flags.1?true We have authorized the bot to send us messages by installing the bot's attachment menu.
from_request flags.3?true We have allowed the bot to send us messages using bots.allowSendMessage ».
domain flags.0?string We have authorized the bot to send us messages by logging into a website via Telegram Login »; this field contains the domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.
app flags.2?BotApp We have authorized the bot to send us messages by opening the specified bot mini app.



Related pages

Bot attachment menu and side menu entries

Bots can install attachment menu and side menu entries, offering conveniently accessible, versatile web apps.


Allow the specified bot to send us messages

Telegram Login Widget

Mini Apps on Telegram

Bots can offer users interactive HTML5 web apps to completely replace any website.