
A sponsored message.

sponsoredMessage#ed5383f7 flags:# recommended:flags.5?true show_peer_photo:flags.6?true random_id:bytes from_id:flags.3?Peer chat_invite:flags.4?ChatInvite chat_invite_hash:flags.4?string channel_post:flags.2?int start_param:flags.0?string webpage:flags.9?SponsoredWebPage app:flags.10?BotApp message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> button_text:flags.11?string sponsor_info:flags.7?string additional_info:flags.8?string = SponsoredMessage;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
recommended flags.5?true Whether the message needs to be labeled as "recommended" instead of "sponsored"
can_report flags.12?true Whether this message can be reported as specified here ».
random_id bytes Message ID
url string Contains the URL to open when the user clicks on the sponsored message.
title string Contains the title of the sponsored message.
message string Sponsored message
entities flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> Message entities for styled text in message.
photo flags.6?Photo If set, contains a custom profile photo bubble that should be displayed for the sponsored message, like for messages sent in groups.
media flags.14?MessageMedia If set, contains some media.
color flags.13?PeerColor If set, the sponsored message should use the message accent color » specified in color.
button_text string Label of the sponsored message button.
sponsor_info flags.7?string If set, contains additional information about the sponsor to be shown along with the message.
additional_info flags.8?string If set, contains additional information about the sponsored message to be shown along with the message.



Related pages

Sponsored messages

Styled text with message entities

How to create styled text with message entities

Accent colors

Telegram users and channels can change the accent color and background pattern of their profile page and their messages!