
Channel statistics.

Constructor schema is available as of layer 167. Switch ยป


Name Type Description
period StatsDateRangeDays Period in consideration
followers StatsAbsValueAndPrev Follower count change for period in consideration
views_per_post StatsAbsValueAndPrev total_viewcount/postcount, for posts posted during the period in consideration.
Note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (min_date till max_date), and prev refers to the previous period ((min_date - (max_date - min_date)) till min_date).
shares_per_post StatsAbsValueAndPrev total_sharecount/postcount, for posts posted during the period in consideration.
Note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (min_date till max_date), and prev refers to the previous period ((min_date - (max_date - min_date)) till min_date)
reactions_per_post StatsAbsValueAndPrev total_reactions/postcount, for posts posted during the period in consideration.
Note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (min_date till max_date), and prev refers to the previous period ((min_date - (max_date - min_date)) till min_date)
views_per_story StatsAbsValueAndPrev total_views/storycount, for posts posted during the period in consideration.
Note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (min_date till max_date), and prev refers to the previous period ((min_date - (max_date - min_date)) till min_date)
shares_per_story StatsAbsValueAndPrev total_shares/storycount, for posts posted during the period in consideration.
Note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (min_date till max_date), and prev refers to the previous period ((min_date - (max_date - min_date)) till min_date)
reactions_per_story StatsAbsValueAndPrev total_reactions/storycount, for posts posted during the period in consideration.
Note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (min_date till max_date), and prev refers to the previous period ((min_date - (max_date - min_date)) till min_date)
enabled_notifications StatsPercentValue Percentage of subscribers with enabled notifications
growth_graph StatsGraph Channel growth graph (absolute subscriber count)
followers_graph StatsGraph Followers growth graph (relative subscriber count)
mute_graph StatsGraph Muted users graph (relative)
top_hours_graph StatsGraph Views per hour graph (absolute)
interactions_graph StatsGraph Interactions graph (absolute)
iv_interactions_graph StatsGraph IV interactions graph (absolute)
views_by_source_graph StatsGraph Views by source graph (absolute)
new_followers_by_source_graph StatsGraph New followers by source graph (absolute)
languages_graph StatsGraph Subscriber language graph (pie chart)
reactions_by_emotion_graph StatsGraph A graph containing the number of reactions on posts categorized by emotion
story_interactions_graph StatsGraph A graph containing the number of story views and shares
story_reactions_by_emotion_graph StatsGraph A graph containing the number of reactions on stories categorized by emotion
recent_posts_interactions Vector<PostInteractionCounters> Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages and stories



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Channel statistics

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