
Changes chat photo and sends a service message on it

messages.statedMessage#d07ae726 message:Message chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> pts:int seq:int = messages.StatedMessage;
messages.statedMessageLink#a9af2881 message:Message chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> links:Vector<contacts.Link> pts:int seq:int = messages.StatedMessage;
messages.editChatPhoto#d881821d chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = messages.StatedMessage;


Name Type Description
chat_id long Chat ID
photo InputChatPhoto Photo to be set



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHAT_ID_INVALID The provided chat id is invalid.
400 CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED No changes were made to chat information because the new information you passed is identical to the current information.
400 IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED Failure while processing image.
400 PEER_ID_INVALID The provided peer id is invalid.
400 PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL Photo is too small.
400 PHOTO_EXT_INVALID The extension of the photo is invalid.
400 PHOTO_INVALID Photo invalid.

Bots can use this method