
Open a bot mini app from a direct Mini App deep link, sending over user information after user confirmation.

After calling this method, until the user closes the webview, messages.prolongWebView must be called every 60 seconds.

 Method schema is available as of layer 183. Switch »


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
write_allowed flags.0?true Set this flag if the bot is asking permission to send messages to the user as specified in the direct Mini App deep link docs, and the user agreed.
compact flags.7?true If set, requests to open the mini app in compact mode (as opposed to normal or fullscreen mode). Must be set if the mode parameter of the direct Mini App deep link is equal to compact.
fullscreen flags.8?true If set, requests to open the mini app in fullscreen mode (as opposed to compact or normal mode). Must be set if the mode parameter of the direct Mini App deep link is equal to fullscreen.
peer InputPeer If the client has clicked on the link in a Telegram chat, pass the chat's peer information; otherwise pass the bot's peer information, instead.
app InputBotApp The app obtained by invoking messages.getBotApp as specified in the direct Mini App deep link docs.
start_param flags.1?string If the startapp query string parameter is present in the direct Mini App deep link, pass it to start_param.
theme_params flags.2?DataJSON Theme parameters »
platform string Short name of the application; 0-64 English letters, digits, and underscores



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 BOT_APP_BOT_INVALID The bot_id passed in the inputBotAppShortName constructor is invalid.
400 BOT_APP_INVALID The specified bot app is invalid.
400 BOT_APP_SHORTNAME_INVALID The specified bot app short name is invalid.

Related pages

Deep links

Telegram clients must handle special tg:// and deep links encountered in messages, link entities and in other apps by registering OS handlers.


Obtain information about a direct link Mini App

Mini Apps on Telegram

Bots can offer users interactive HTML5 web apps to completely replace any website.

Telegram Mini Apps


Indicate to the server (from the user side) that the user is still using a web app.

If the method returns a QUERY_ID_INVALID error, the webview must be closed.