
Edit information about a given group call participant

Note: flags.N?Bool parameters can have three possible values:

  • If the TL flag is not set, the previous value will not be changed.
  • If the TL flag is set and contains a boolTrue, the previous value will be overwritten to true.
  • If the TL flag is set and contains a boolFalse, the previous value will be overwritten to false.

 Method schema is available as of layer 128. Switch ยป


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
call InputGroupCall The group call
participant InputPeer The group call participant (can also be the user itself)
muted flags.0?Bool Whether to mute or unmute the specified participant
volume flags.1?int New volume
raise_hand flags.2?Bool Raise or lower hand
video_stopped flags.3?Bool Start or stop the video stream
video_paused flags.4?Bool Pause or resume the video stream
presentation_paused flags.5?Bool Pause or resume the screen sharing stream



Possible errors

Code Type Description
403 GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN The group call has already ended.
400 GROUPCALL_INVALID The specified group call is invalid.
400 PARTICIPANT_JOIN_MISSING Trying to enable a presentation, when the user hasn't joined the Video Chat with phone.joinGroupCall.
400 RAISE_HAND_FORBIDDEN You cannot raise your hand.
400 USER_VOLUME_INVALID The specified user volume is invalid.
400 VIDEO_PAUSE_FORBIDDEN You cannot pause the video stream.
400 VIDEO_STOP_FORBIDDEN You cannot stop the video stream.

Related pages


Boolean type.


The constructor can be interpreted as a booleantrue value.


Constructor may be interpreted as a booleanfalse value.


Join a group call