
Chat invite

chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite;
chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite;


messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite;


Constructor Description
chatInviteAlready The user has already joined this chat
chatInvite Chat invite info
chatInvitePeek A chat invitation that also allows peeking into the group to read messages without joining it.


Method Description
messages.checkChatInvite Check the validity of a chat invite link and get basic info about it