
Object contains information on list of messages with auxiliary data.

messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;


messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages;
messages.getHistory#92a1df2f peer:InputPeer offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; peer:InputPeer q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages;


Constructor Description
messages.messages Full list of messages with auxiliary data.
messages.messagesSlice Incomplete list of messages and auxiliary data.
messages.channelMessages Channel messages
messages.messagesNotModified No new messages matching the query were found


Method Description
messages.getMessages Returns the list of messages by their IDs.
messages.getHistory Returns the conversation history with one interlocutor / within a chat Search for messages.
channels.getMessages Get channel/supergroup messages
messages.searchGlobal Search for messages and peers globally
messages.getUnreadMentions Get unread messages where we were mentioned
messages.getRecentLocations Get live location history of a certain user
messages.getScheduledHistory Get scheduled messages
messages.getScheduledMessages Get scheduled messages
messages.getReplies Get messages in a reply thread
messages.getUnreadReactions Get unread reactions to messages you sent
messages.searchSentMedia View and search recently sent media.
This method does not support pagination.
messages.getSavedHistory Returns saved messages » forwarded from a specific peer
messages.getQuickReplyMessages Fetch (a subset or all) messages in a quick reply shortcut ».
channels.searchPosts Globally search for posts from public channels » (including those we aren't a member of) containing a specific hashtag.