
Contains info about the current boost status of a peer.

premium.boostsStatus#4959427a flags:# my_boost:flags.2?true level:int current_level_boosts:int boosts:int gift_boosts:flags.4?int next_level_boosts:flags.0?int premium_audience:flags.1?StatsPercentValue boost_url:string prepaid_giveaways:flags.3?Vector<PrepaidGiveaway> my_boost_slots:flags.2?Vector<int> = premium.BoostsStatus;


premium.getBoostsStatus#42f1f61 peer:InputPeer = premium.BoostsStatus;


Constructor Description
premium.boostsStatus Contains info about the current boost status of a peer.


Method Description
premium.getBoostsStatus Gets the current number of boosts of a channel/supergroup.

Related pages

Channel and supergroup boosts

Telegram Premium users can grant their favorite channels and supergroups additional features like the ability to post stories by giving them boosts.